Columbia University is barring two pro-Palestinian student groups from holding campus activities for the remainder of the fall semester, college officials announced Friday.

Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace will lose university funding and the eligibility to hold events on campus. The student groups will need to demonstrate a “commitment to compliance with university policies” and meet with college officials to lift the suspension at the end of the term, which finishes Dec. 22.

“This decision was made after the two groups repeatedly violated University policies related to holding campus events, culminating in an unauthorized event Thursday afternoon that proceeded despite warnings and included threatening rhetoric and intimidation,” read a statement from Gerald Rosberg, chair of the campus safety committee.

“During this especially charged time on our campus, we are strongly committed to giving space to student groups to participate in debate, advocacy, and protest. This relies on community members abiding by the rules and cooperating with University administrators who have a duty to ensure the safety of everyone in our community,” it continued.

On Thursday, hundreds of students were participating in a walkout on campus, when an unidentified person began screaming antisemitic and racist epithets — including “death to Jews” — and tried starting fights with multiple students, according to student newspaper Columbia Spectator.

Protesters staged a “die-in,” laying down on the Low Library steps and surrounding plaza, social media posts show.

The decision comes days after Brandeis University became the first known private university to ban its campus chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine.


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